My earlier blog in Google disappeared - so we continue here


My earlier blog in Google disappeared - so we continue here with a new blog

First - I tell basics of ethical-realistic thinking or philosophy or intellectual logical realistic ethical tools - you can use in everyday life.


1. The more a thing includes both ethics and realism - the better it is as a solution.

So just looking what is ethics and realism of thing and making them better you make what ever things better in this world.

2. Ethics is defined - good lifespan to every living creature in universe without harming oneself, other living creatures including human beings, animals, insects and plants - more than is necessary - but also not harming dynamic interconnected manysidedness in humankind and society called in Finnish "monimuotoisuus" - and in nature in the meaning of biodiversity using there also in Finnish concept "monimuotoisuus".

3. New basic thing in ethical-realistic thinking - it is necessary to see things as dynamic value chains and systems with eye directed to ethics and realism in them - because things in universe are essentially and charasteristically dynamic both in Nature and civilization - and as a basic reality it belongs then to ethical-realistic thinking.

So - they are basics of ethical-realism - both philosophically deeply practical reality rooted but also deeply philosophically rooted in value and ethical way. But also giving clear reality rooted tools to assess what ever in solution finding way.

Ps. Interesting that first 7 readers of this first new blogtext was - from Germany. Hello Germany - here I come with my new blog.


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